Private label

Products which are manufactured or provided by one company, then labeled with another company's brand, are known as private-label products. Sometimes referred to as OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) products, these items can generate a profitable revenue stream for your store and, if done right, can give your store not only additional product lines to sell but also an enhanced degree of credibility and trust with shoppers. The Midwest Sea Salt Company is a premier private label partner for thousands of different bath and body products.

It is very likely, you have bought a private-label product sometime in your life. If you, as a business owner or entrepreneur, have considered offering a line of private-label bath & body products then you have come to the right place. Please see the links in this page to get to know our process, capabilities, pricelist and even get a custom quote. We look forward to assisting you in creating your very own products. We are sure that we can take your brand and vision and create amazing products for you.