Uplift, restore, revive within the sanctuary of your own private bath. This 100% organic, dead sea salt buttermilk blend will satisfy your most primal needs! Suspend time in a rich, creamy milk bath that brings instant calm to irritated skin. This milk bath is pure wholesome goodness - down to the dead sea minerals that soothes upset skin and reduces inflammation and swelling. The fine sifted dead sea mineral milk bath is rich in twenty essential amino acids, vitamins and the sweet buttery fats that make milk the ultimate skin softener.
A warm bath with our unique Relaxing blend of essential oils helps calm your senses as milk proteins, dead sea salt and chamomile help nourish your skin.
- 100% pure essential oils blends - Produces a calming aroma; helps you to relax
- Milk Proteins and Calcium Lactate - skin nourishing and conditioning
- Almond and Olive Oil - skin nourishing and rejuvenating
- Chamomile extract - skin soothing

Cleopatra Queen of the Nile was one of the most beautiful women of our history. She had radiant,soft, and glowing skin. Having found the perfect regiment to nurture her skin Cleopatra bathed daily in milk and honey and the secret soon spread like wildfire...and was practised by many, many women. Try this gentle, rejuvenating bath and watch your skin transform itself into something so beautiful you will never think of a normal bath again.
For more than 2000 fragrance and essential oils and please visit our sister site: The Midwest Fragrance Company. Our fragrance oils compliment all of our bath and body products so you can create a perfect spa nirvana with the fragrance of your choice.