Natural Dead Sea Salts for the body and feet are 10 times more concentrated than other Sea salts. These salts are enriched with Dead Sea Minerals (magnesium, calcium, potassium, bromine, sulfur- to name a few!) They clean, moisturize, soothe, nourish, and stimulate cell replenishment. Aromatic Dead Sea Salts heal cuts and are recommended for such skin conditions as: eczema, Psoriasis Treatment, scaly skin, allergic irritations, seborrhea, and skin rashes. Aromatic Dead Sea Salts can be to soothe swollen feet and relieve athlete’s foot. In the bath, the salts relieve muscle tension and leave the body feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Dissolve one cup of Bath Salts (approx. 200 ml.) into a bath of warm water and soak for 15 minutes. Afterwards, wash with soap and rinse in lukewarm water. Salts are also suitable for use in home hot-tub For foot treatment, dissolve ½ cup of salt into a footbath and soak your feet for 20 minutes.

Facts About the Dead Sea
The benefits of Dead Sea mineral salts have been well known since ancient times. Perhaps the most famous visitor to the "World’s Oldest Spa" was Cleopatra, who with her husband Herod the Great frequented the Dead sea for the restorative properties its minerals and mud. Today, hundreds of scientific studies have proven that the Dead Sea benefits extolled by the ancients are quite real. A wide variety of medical conditions affecting different parts of the body are relieved by mineral-rich Dead Sea mud and Dead Sea mineral salt, perhaps because the minerals found in the Dead Sea are essential to human life itself. Circulation, metabolism, and relaxation are all supported by Dead Sea minerals, and conditions as various as arthritis, fatigue, migraines, dandruff and eczema have all been shown to benefit from treatment with Dead Sea mineral products. Furthermore, these minerals are the foundation of intelligent skin care, because they so perfectly maintain skin moisture levels, nourish skin cells, and provide the skin with natural, anti-allergenic protection.
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